B45 is a game changer!

4th and 5th graders are in a unique time in their life.  They are too big to hang out with the younger elementary kids but too young to be a teen.
Yet, they are facing issues in life that can be complex and confusing.  There is a need for a bridge between the ages to help 4th and 5th graders navigate these turbulent years.

This is where B45 comes to the rescue!  B45 gives these students the tools to change the way they think by giving them foundations to stand on.  Topics are chosen that directly impact this specific age group.  The curriculum will also empower you as parents to know how to help your child during these years.

B45 meets in Room E210 separately from the younger and older crowds.

We will also host special activities and outreach events just for them. These events are sure to be fun, engaging, and it will have them wanting more and something that is cool to invite friends to attend.  

They will learn foundations of Godly Habits as well as lessons that deepen their faith, privately and publicly.


Your child's safety is our utmost concern.  We provide a safe environment for all children.
Our leaders have completed background checks, training, and love to invest in children. As you drop your kids off each time you will be given a label with their name on it and a security label to pick them up.  Thank you for trusting us with your kids.  

Sunday Morning

Sunday Morning

Welcome to the B45 Sunday school program for 4th and 5th grade students! This program is designed to help students develop positive habits and decision-making skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

Every Sunday at 10am, students will gather in the upstairs room E210 for an engaging and interactive class led by experienced teachers. The class will start with a brief introduction and discussion about the importance of good habits and making smart decisions.

Wednesday Nights

Wednesday Night - Awana's

AWANA is a fun and interactive night that takes a focus on learning God’s word and teaching missions. In AWANA your  preteen will learn and memorize scripture, cooperating with others through games and activities, participate in Mission projects, and will worship together as a whole group. AWANA meets every Wednesday, September through May. It starts at 6:00 and ends at 7:30. Parents are welcome to join one of the Wednesday night Connection Groups.

Register For Current Year

Special Events 

Parents vs. Preteens
New 2023 dates coming soon! 
Pizza for Lunch and a little friendly competition.  Parents you better bring your A Game!

We will meet upstairs in our NEW B45 room and enjoy some fun together as we see who will dominate the competition as parents compete against students in some friendly competition.  
We will take some time to introduce you to B45 goals and objectives.  
We will also break our group up for a little Parent and Preteen time to begin some discussions about what matters most to you.  
Our goal is to generate some discussion among ourselves and for you at home to help bridge this Preteen gap.

Help us Kick Off this new ministry in style by adding this to your calendar.  

More Events TBA! 

Helpful Resources

Visit our Family Discipleship Page to Get the Latest Resources to enhance your discipleship at home!

Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jibckids/

FaceBook - https://bit.ly/jibckidsfb