What will your next step be?
No matter what brought you here, we would love to help you take your next step of faith. Listed below you will find ways to take your next step at JIBC. God loves you, He has a plan for you, and He wants you to grow closer to Him through bible study, prayer and fellowship with other believers. What will your next step be?

Community Events - Throughout the year James Island Baptist Church offers free, family friendly activities to our community. Maybe this is your next step at JIBC.
- Each fall the church organizes a Fall Festival on October 31st with games, food, live music, and candy. This outdoor event takes place on the gravel parking lot adjacent to the church.
- During the summer JIBC organizes Vacation Bible School, a week long event for kids 3K-5th grade featuring bible stories, fun songs, great snacks, and recreation time.
- For kids looking for an athletic week of fun, a sports camp is held during the summer at a nearby park. This camp focuses on developing basic fundamental athletic skills, while emphasizing knowing more about God.
- Every Christmas Eve JIBC has two community worship services that highlight the real meaning of Christmas, at 4PM and 6PM. This service features Christmas carols, communion and candlelights.
Worship Services - During our worship services there will always be meaningful and engaging musical worship led by our Praise Band, and an in-depth time of bible study and prayer from one of our pastors. Experiencing worship with others is a great next step to explore a relationship with God, and to learn more about God.
- In-Person Worship - Join us on Sunday mornings at 9am or 11am in-person on the campus of James Island Baptist Church for our corporate worship service.
- On-Line Worship - Each week the worship services are recorded through our live-stream platform and are available on our church app, on our church facebook page, and our youtube page. The entire service is recorded and can be viewed anytime throughout the week.
Connection Groups - Connection Groups are the best option for developing friendships with a small group of other believers, growing together in faith, being encouraged, and serving God and others together. See our list of available small groups on our Connect Menu above. Joining a small group is the next step after experiencing our worship services.
Discover Classes at JIBC - JIBC offers four classes periodically throughout the year to help you continue in your next steps. Look for announcements during the worship services, in the bulletin, or on each of our TV kiosks for the next Discover Class, and sign up to take your next step at JIBC.
- Class 101 | Discovering Membership - Learn more about the beliefs, foundation, and history of James Island Baptist Church. Find out what it means to belong to our church family in membership and how you can take this next step.
- Class 201 | Discovering Maturity - Learn how to grow deeper in your faith in Jesus through bible study and prayer. You will also be taught how to apply scripture with godly wisdom and discernment.
- Class 301 | Discovering Ministry - This class will help you discover your shape through an on-line personality assessment profile test, and help you find the best ministry to serve God and others here at JIBC.
- Class 401 | Discovering Missions - This class will help you become a mature follower of Christ by giving you tools to help others grow in their faith in God. Missions is a big part of who we are at JIBC and we support local and foreign mission all throughout the year. Discover how you can become a missionary right where you are in Class 401.

Making a commitment of Faith in Jesus Christ - The starting block for growing closer to God begins with making a commitment of faith in Jesus Christ. This can be done anywhere or anytime. Feel free to ask any of our pastors or leaders how you can make this commitment, or simply continue reading and do it in this moment.
Making this commitment is as simple as knowing your ABC's. The gospel simply means 'Good News', but in order for this to be good news we need to understand that there is a problem in our lives that needs to be solved, or a debt we have incurred that needs to be settled, and on both counts - it was! Jesus has solved the problem AND paid the debt we owe to God ... in full! The bad news is that we have a sin debt and the penalty for such a debt is death. The good news is that Jesus came into the world and was crucified. The death He died was for us in order to pay the debt we owe to God. After He died He was buried AND three days later He rose again! How do we respond?
Making this commitment is as simple as knowing your ABC's. The gospel simply means 'Good News', but in order for this to be good news we need to understand that there is a problem in our lives that needs to be solved, or a debt we have incurred that needs to be settled, and on both counts - it was! Jesus has solved the problem AND paid the debt we owe to God ... in full! The bad news is that we have a sin debt and the penalty for such a debt is death. The good news is that Jesus came into the world and was crucified. The death He died was for us in order to pay the debt we owe to God. After He died He was buried AND three days later He rose again! How do we respond?
- A - Admit or acknowledge you are a sinner and you need a savior. The Bible says that "there is no one righteous, not even one," (Romans 3:10) and that "all have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God..." (Romans 3:23) This means we can't get to God on our own by our good works or who we know. The only way to God is to acknowledge our sin, turn away from our sin and turn to God.
- B - Believe in your heart that Jesus is Lord. The bible says that "if you declare with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved." (Romans 10:9) Simply put, you must believe in your hearts that Jesus is Lord and that God rose Him from the dead, then and you will be saved! This is a promise, and God cannot lie. He will do what He said He will do. Jesus is alive and trust worthy. Believe in Him!
- C - Confess or call upon the name of the Lord. What we believe in our heart we will express in the things we do and say. Confessing His Name means that you are acknowledging that you are no longer under your authority but His! This is the guarantee and assurance the Bible gives us. "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." It's that simple.