With Your Hands
The Daily Prayer of Surrender from the 40 Days of Prayer workbook page 176.Praying with your palms up symbolizes that you are bringing your requests and cares to God. Turning your palms down symbolizes that you are letting go and releasing your cares into God's hands. Turning your palms up again symbolizes that you are receiving God's grace, and that your hands are now available to him to be used for his purposes. With your palms turned up, pray:"Father, I come to you today in Jesus' name. Thank you for your kindness that has brought me to another day. Thank you for your love and faithfulness. Thank you for accepting me as I am and for transforming me into the likeness of Christ. I present myself before you--body, soul, and spirit. I bring you my strengths and my weaknesses, my hopes and my fears, my successes and my failures, my dreams and my nightmares . . . (Now take a moment to tell God what's on your mind.)
With your palms turned down, pray:"Now, Father, by faith I release all of these things into your lap of grace, and I surrender to your sovereignty. I cast all of my cares upon you, and I pray, "Let your will be done in my life today . . ."
With your palms turned up, pray:"Father, I now receive from you all that your grace will afford to me today: strength for my weaknesses, peace for my fears, forgiveness for my sins, and the grace to forgive those who sin against me. I look to you to meet all of my needs. Guide my steps, direct my thoughts, and protect me from evil. I invite you to fill me today with your Holy Spirit. Let me be an extension of your grace and mercy to the world around me. Use my life, I pray, to bring glory to your name. In Jesus' name, amen."
Taken from
The Way of a Worshiper by Buddy Owens